Wednesday, January 18, 2017


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A jazz pianist falls for an aspiring actress in Los Angeles
Great cinematic experience. Will bring joy, smile and a bit emotional feeling after exit the cinema building. The director didn't slow his gear after his other great film, Whiplash, as tribute for classic movies he made a film that our generation will brag it to next generation. The story is little bit cliché, about their hope and passion, but a heartbreaking moment in the ending will made it last for a long time in audience heart. Cinematography aspect is perfect; their color tone play is completely fit in the story and hill scene where Mia and Seb singing “A Lovely Night” are beautiful. Best scene for me is the opening scene with a long take with a lot a people singing and dancing, it was made so beautifully. Two leading role, Mia by Emma Stone and Sebastian by Ryan Gosling, were gave their best performance with golden globe award as the price. Their expression, dance and even sing escalated the film in other level. We can’t talk a musical movie without talking about their music and song; jazz became the big influence in this movie beside use as the background of one character it also made a perfect music to accompany us, the audience, to follow the character to archive their dream. A Lovely Night, City of Star, Another Day of Sun will make their way to my playlist, the song that make you listen to it all the day. For me, again, it was great experience to able to see this film; a film that has all perfect aspect. See this in the big screen for your full pleasure.

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