Sunday, May 5, 2019


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Following a horrible experience, May has isolated herself and stopped talking. Her father blames himself and tries to live by May's conditions year after year. But one day a hole appears in the wall and through it May discovers a magician. 
Another gem this month for Indonesian movie, April was nice time for Indonesian cinema. Story about depression, it's picture perfect how sexually abuse can ruin not only the victim but also the family. From all aspect, acting is the strong point here, Raihaanun as May and Lukman Sardi as her father is play at high level. Their emotion, whatever it's sad, anger or happy was deliver right to audience they build connection as it's can happens to all people. For me, Sardi has the best performance here as he have to play two different character who warm at home and run wild at outside. Other supporting actor also play well The magician as the pairing for May although it confusing and didn't make sense and Deliveryman as the loyal friend of the father, and for Deliveryman his role to turn the mood with his comedic part make the movie less dark that it should be. I also like scoring here, it's just few but effective to set the tone. The main strength is the story, it's powerful yet disturbing at the same time the script also support the story no cliche dialog it looks natural. My only concern is the opening part when Raihaanun played as Junior school student, but it's only minor. Overall the movie give us good perspective what can be happen to people regarding sexual abuse, rape especially, and how it affect surrounding. Recommendation from me, see it while it last.

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