Friday, July 12, 2019


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Dara and Bima violated the boundary without knowing the consequences. They try to take responsibility for their choices.

Surprisingly it really hype, sold out at many cinema in the first day even at place where I see they add more play time outside the scheduled. Maybe because Euis factor, I hear the name mentioned several times before the show, or controversial story before or perfect timing release due school holiday, dunno. It didn't take the brake with the story, the "incident" happen at very beginning and they focus more on story after that. The story develop after parental figure introduced, and how the event effect their families life, interaction between family member also seems natural with details, like “The key is on you isn't?” “No, it's on you.” conversation my parent usually have, like it. The director presented the hard theme with easy way to understand for their target market, the teenage, she put information that they should know from their school-day. Zara (Dara) pickup her good performance from previous film here, Angga (Bima) tried to follow her lead but honestly didn't too memorable but still nice actor we have here. The best is the mothers, Cut Mini and Lulu Tobing, they give their best as parents and will be hard to follow by other, Dwi Sasono never disappoint me good acting as always. Many scenes they take was good especially with their camera position, tone they set also nice despite the gloomy theme but it still bright at same time and I like the detail sound at the background like door open/close, neighbor whispering etc. Some dialogue really really cliche but you can be perfect on everything, right. The Best scene is the UKS scene, no contest. Asri Welas cameo didn't need but still nice addition for tone play. Ending is not the best but still acceptable for all parties. Fresh air in Indonesian cinema, the hype will be wider with mouth-to-mouth recommendation after their first day.

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