Saturday, August 31, 2019


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Sancaka has lived on the streets since his parents left him. Living a hard life, Sancaka survives by thinking about his own safety. When the condition of the city gets worse and injustice rages throughout the country, Sancaka must decide whether he continues to live to look after himself or rise to become their oppressed hero.

As the opening movie for Jagat Sinema Bumilangit, Gundala will be the benchmark how next movie move. Directed by Joko Anwar (Satan Slave, Modus Anomali), the movie will be served as the origin of Gundala, a hero who get his power from lighting struck. Story began from little Sancaka, Gundala alter ego, play by Abimana Aryasatya (Warkop DKI Reborn, Haji Backpacker) how he struggled with his life after lost his family and how the lighting always chase him since his early years and continued develop to adult day when he can accept the power of lighting. Tone in this film, especially at beginning similar to horror movie with dark color dominated the screen but as film moving forward more colors play begin to appear. Nothing really special about the scoring or music, just completed the scene without overpowering a scene. Camera plays also didn't to unique but still good enough, I like how the camera following the fighting scene. Muzakki Ramdhan as young Sancaka act very well maybe one of the best in the film if not the best, Pengkor play by Bront Palarae (Satan Slave) following later with his good sympathetic villain act more like Vulture at Spider-Man: Homecoming who have strong background for his purpose and Sancaka father take Uncle Ben role, with his quote. Another stand out for me is fighting choreography especially when Sancaka fight thugs but sadly the quality weaken toward the end, and the last fight is so bad added with bad editing, like the scene jumping randomly, make it worse. I don't know why they force introduce many characters in the film mainly at the end of it, which is actually cool, but after disappointing last fight Gundala became forgotten because of it, even there're characters that previously at universe press conference was introduced as a hero in the universe but appear as villain here, interesting how they will bring the story. Will waiting for next movie, and how they will build the next world.

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