Thursday, August 15, 2019


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This is a story of Minke and Annelies who weave love in the early 20th century colonial turbulance. Minke is a native youth, purebred Javanese. While Annelies is a mixed-Dutch girl, the daughter of a nyai (mistress), called Ontosoroh.

No, I didn't read the book so the review is based on the movie. The movie adapted from a novel with same title by Pramoedya Ananta Toer published in 1980 and acclaimed as one of the best Indonesian literature. Story takes around Minke life, his love story. Setting during colonialism in Indonesia by Dutch, and it centered on discrimination between Europe and local people. Hanung Bramantyo (Jomblo, Ayat-ayat Cinta) take the helmet to make the masterpiece came to life and overall he did a decent job. Location set, audio and other technician aspect nothing is stand out, some are complaining about wardrobe when the trailer is out especially for the Dutch, I don't know the detail about it but for me it does not bother me as casual viewer. Best acting coming from Sha Ine Febriyanti as Nyai Ontosoroh, she can look like strong independent woman and became soft motherly when dealing with her daughter or Minke. Main protagonist, Minke, portrait by Iqbal Ramadhan (Dilan 1990) give a so-so performance with numerous flat expression throughout movie still I rise my hat for his Dutch language and Mawar Eva de Jongh (Serendipity) as Annelies the heroine, also didn't make remarkable performance both just make acceptable acting. Something that noticeable is the rough editing of the film, some scene to scene or plot to plot transition didn't smooth and looks like jumping. The Biggest value of the book is how the author tell the story about discrimination but in this movie, it didn't really appear, yes it has some discrimination scene but didn't offer something new that we already know except law about mixed child and the story really focus on Minke-Ann love story at least that what I feel during the movie. Also, I can't see Minke's brilliance moment as educated person, Nyai Ontosoroh even looks more educated than him. Still, I think this movie will be got good reception as the story fit local taste, and Iqbal's fans also will hype the movie plus other Pram's film Perburuan from same production house have less screen at the first day, another 1 million viewer this year.

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