Monday, June 17, 2019


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What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister? 

Movie with good premise, “What happen if Superman is the bad guy?” This movie sells James Gunn (Guardian of the Galaxy) name, even though he's not the Director here but it's enough to make many people curious. The one who take the command is David Yarovesky (The Hive) as the superhero turn horror movie, this give different looks how horror movie displayed it shows how human too powerless to overcome the terror. Like usual Superman movie, film started with the Alien fall at someone farm, a family that adopted him and made him a normal human being but like other teenager puberty is always the problem. What I like in this film is the level of the gore, not overpowering but still nice and seems real, two murders is the best scene here. I don't know it's due the theater speaker or anything but the sound stage is good, combinating with some scene make it really pleasure experience. The mother (Elizabeth Banks; Definitely Maybe, Spiderman) make the best acting here others just so-so even the boy. Maybe it will not be as monumental as The Omen for same genre but it's still had good point to enjoy. The ending also open for sequel, if any.

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