Sunday, April 28, 2019


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In Center Java Juno, a pre-teen abandoned by his father, joins a Lengger dance centre where men assume feminine appearances but the political and social upheaval in Indonesia forces him on the road, meeting remarkable people on his journey.

The movie that finally come to commercial cinema after his long journey at various festival at several country, seen it at limited cinema because Avengers: Endgame invasion in all cinema. Surprisingly all seat is full at the theater, good sign for Indonesian film. The story inspired by Rianto Manali's life as Lengger dancer and take various stories of traditional dancer at Java. Garin Nugroho with his experience take the helm to direct this masterpiece. Step into technical aspect, sound production department is something that I note, detail of the sound, good scoring selection and nice music to accompany us follow the life of Juno. The director also taken serious attention at little detail due the time setting is in early 90s to 2000, every instrument seems spot on. For acting, I like Muhammad Khan's acting how he move or dance seems natural and the young Juno also has good time on screen. Above all, one point that make this special is the script, I enjoy every dialog on this movie, every dialog has a meaning doesn't matter if it just trivial one or on important scene it's just make deep impression on me and all the advice, or we call it “Wejangan” in Java from the old person it seems easy to get in to our heart. Big issue that raise from this movie is the LGBT theme, but for me it's more that it, it's about how our body as a vessel of our soul is the one that take impact of all our action, our body will react to all aspect surrounding us. Our body is ours, it's our story.

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