Thursday, April 25, 2019


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Maryam a catholic nun who falls in love with a pastor.
Another gem from Indonesian film, long journey from festival to festival until it can be played on commercial cinema. Simple plot, like description above, but have more meaning to it. For technical aspect this is very good film, Semarang as a background where the story happen give classic vibes through the old building that set the tone right. The dialog is minimum but scoring department give big impact to accompany us enjoy every minute of it and song choices is good too, I like the song when Maryam and Yosef pass through the forest. Maudy Koesnaedi as Sister Maryam give her best for the role, it became even better at end of story and another special performance was given by Tutie Kirana as Sister Monic, Father Yosef played by Chicco Jericho give the so-so performance. Another good aspect is cinematography, I like static camera shots that they do for many occasion make it more like portrait than movie shot. Enough for pros, let's move to the cons, I don't know if there any version of the film (director cut, etc) as the director says that the film is the same that he played at festival but for me something just doesn't make sense. Some scene have rough editing and I think they have to cut some of the scene. One that can be seen is background story of Sister Maryam who have Muslim parents (something that being informed before) is completely disappeared and it maybe makes Maryam struggle became less intense. Overall this is good film for Indonesian Movie Industry and will wider local genre that has been stuck with horror or romcom genre. Looking more like this.

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