Friday, May 1, 2015


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To Celebrate Ring Of Honor 13th Anniversary, the company organize the first PPV for ROH in 2015. Taken place in Las Vegas, Nevada with more than thousand audience in the hall let's begin the show. 

Cedric Alexander VS Matt Sydal
Sydal get the match early on, he dominated the opponent with his pace. There's many great move in this match. In the mid of the match Alexander got the chance, he made two near fall even with Lumbar Check he still couldn't take the win. Sydal then reversing Kick To Kill to got a near fall, Alexander made a mistake in the end and Sydal taken his profit with Shooting star press.

Winner: Matt Sydal

Moose (with Stokely Hathaway and Veda Scott) VS Mark Briscoe

Moose was a Professional football player who has been contracted by ROH since mid 2014. He dominated his opponent with his power. Mark started the match with his fast moves, he could overcome the big man. Until Moose countered with dropkick, from here Moose ride the match. Moose nearly end the match after he performed The Pop Up Clothesline but Mark could wake after two count. Match finally end when Mooes Spear Mark.

Winner: Moose

The Kingdom (Michael Bennett and Matt Taven) VS The Addiction (Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian) VS The Bullet Club (Karl Anderson)

At first Doc Gallows was scheduled to wrestle as Anderson's tag team partner, but could not make the event due to travel issues. Match started with The Addiction and Anderson clean out The Kingdom from the ring, Kazarian and Anderson takes the ring. The match itself moved with high pace with the superstar executed move after move and the tide changed between the teams. The Kingdom finally could dominated The Addiction, and thanks to Bennett, Daniels didn't have partner to tag when he need. Daniels finally made a hot tag to Anderson who squashed The Kingdom team. The match gone wild from here, many great moves performed in this part. The Kingdom got a win after hit Anderson with double team.

Winner: The Kingdom (Michael Bennett and Matt Taven)

B.J. Whitmer (with Adam Page and Jimmy Jacobs) VS Roderick Strong

The battle between Decade member, the founding fathers. It;s a Grudge Match. Strong start the match with threw Whitmer outside the ring and worked on him with strike attack. Whitmer taken the control when the match back in the ring, he made a good Spinebuster to tear Strong. The match was look like one side for Whitmer favor, he did punch, chop, Powerslam and Backdrop but still couldn't made Strong fall. Strong got his chance after did a Superplex and lead the match with fast assault, do the Olympic slam take the cover but only two. Later he did Death by Roderick followed with Sick Kick but still didn't made the three count, he get the opponent up Strong made a Strong Breaker cover Whitmer and he won it. Solid match from two ROH veteran, but nothing special happen during the match. Should be better.

Winner: Roderick Strong

Maria Kanellis (with Michael Bennett) VS ODB (with Mark Briscoe)

Damn! Maria is so hot. Before the match start, Maria said that his can't do the match because her doctor said that she's pregnant. But Bennett sneak to the ring and kick Mark Briscoe, and Maria taken the advantage to hit ODB with her belt. ODB than dominated Maria, she threw Fall away slam to barricade outside the ring. Back in the ring, Maria taken his chance with Superkick to ODB and she called up Bennett to enter the ring to kick ODB but, it hit her instead. Mark cleared Bennett from the ring and brawled outside the ring. ODB toss Maria outside and flying from top rope to outside. ODB and Mark did a double team to Bennett. ODB did a Bam and won the match.

Winner: ODB

ACH VS A.J. Styles

Both wrestles start with their technical moves, ACH shown that he can play in the same ring with big time players like AJ here. But AJ experience started to take over and he dominated his opponent, he worked on ACH even prevented him from executed Jordan move. ACH finally could strike back and with his speed made AJ overwhelmed. ACH made a nice suicide dive a that nearly cost him the match. AJ got his tide back after won the strike near the apron. AJ attemped Calf Killer after ACH missed his 450 Splash, but Ach could counter it. AJ than did a good DDT following with Style Clash and got the win.

Winner: A.J. Styles

The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) VS reDRagon (Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly) (with Shayna Baszler) (C) [ROH World Tag Team Championship]

The series of classic they say. The two team had meet several times in 2014 and continued their feud in 2015. These team will guarantee a good match when they came to the ring. Kyle and Nick started the match but, like every tag team match everyone want to take a part. So all 4 wrestles brawled inside the ring, Young Bucks get the upper hand with their double moves and clear the ring. Baszler tried distract Young Bucks and reDRagon sneak attack them. Two member of reDRagon teared Nick alternately. They crushed him with strike attack and double team. Nick at the end could steal a attack and did a hot tag to Matt, he than flatten the opponent. The Young Bucks than dominated the match with their awesome double team moves, but Fish could escaped the defeat. Fish than made a tag to Kyle, Kyle in the process executed nice triangle choke to Nick following with Armbar but was cancelled by Matt. Young Bucks mocking reDRagon when used Chasing the Dragon but Fish still could get the break, Later Young Buck tried again a double team move but Baszler dragged the referee while his counting. reDRagon got his chance and did their finishing move, Chasing the Dragon but again the referee was dragged outside the ring while counting this time by Matt. reDRagon Won the match after did again Chasing the Dragon to Nick.

Winner: reDRagon (Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly)

Alberto El PatrĂ³n VS Jay Lethal (C) (with J. Diesel and Truth Martini) [ROH World Television Championship]

El Patron is came to ROH to be the best but he was challenged by Martini be beat the real best in the ROH, Jay Lethal. Lethal is the longest reign TV Champion in ROH history. El Patron taken the first initiative and taken on Lethal. But it didn't stay long until Lethal could steal an attack and dominated El Patron. El Patron got his chance after did a good move from turnbuckle, he than tried Cross Armbreaker but Lethal steal that move and attempted to Patron instead. Lethal still in control, he made move after move to break El Patron from triple suicide dive to Lethal Combination. El Patron cancelled Lethal move with Enzuiguri, Martini then came to the ring but could caught by El Patron Armbreaker. Lethal tried to save but he also got Armbreaker, Lethal broken the submission by hit with book of truth into El Patron head. Lethal still couldn't bring El Patron down. Lethal Injection then performed with aid from Martini. Lethal taken the cover and won the match.

Winner: Jay Lethal

Hanson VS Tommaso Ciampa VS Michael Elgin VS Jay Briscoe (C) [ROH World Championship]

Match started with cheap shot from Ciampa to Jay, but Jay quickly turn the match into his favored. The match than turned into brawl aftar brawl with no one really dominated the match. Elgin did double fall away slam to Ciampa and Jay.Elgin tried to pin Ciampa and Hanson later but still didn't got the win. Now, it's Ciampa time to get the tide he did a good move until stopped by Elgin who later stopped by Hanson. Hanson has a quick move for big guy. Ciampa again made a good move from turnbuckle and Jay broken the cover after two count. Hanson is flying in the middle of the match. The referee was taken out in incident with Hanson and Jay. Masked group called KRD enter the ring and beaten the wrestlers, they used finishing move from Kingdom member, but Ray Rowe came back and saved the day. Match continued with Elgin executed Jay Drilled Jay to table and the referee still laid on the floor. Elgin than took 2 chairs and planned to sandwich Jay head with them but Nigel stopped the action. Otherwise it's Nigel who will be slammed by Elgin but Ciampa saved him. All wrestlers begin their series of finisher, with Ciampa did Project Ciampa to Eldin and Jay but still didn't end the match. Elgin Powerbomb Ciampa and Hanson Spin kick Jay. Jay was accidentally fall in the Ciampa body, while  Elgin threw Hanson. Referee made the count and Jay retain his belt.

Winner: Jay Briscoe

Maybe it's little too late for this review but this PPV is too good to be miss. All match has a solid match, even they didn't work for big company like WWE they still could entertained the wrestling fans around the world. Better part of this PPV is the comeback of ROH legend, Samoa Joe and he hunting for the Championship belt.

I give this PPV 8 out of 10, the only bad for this show is the crowds are little silent for most of match and also the commentatory didn't made the listener excited.