Sunday, May 10, 2015


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The traditional PPV is back this year, we will see how extreme this year the show. Took place on April 26, 2015 at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Illinois. Let's start the EXTREME RULEZ.

Dean Ambrose VS Luke Harper
This match is Chicago Street Fight, which means the fight has no disqualification rules but can only be pin inside the ring. Sound extreme for first match huh. Ambrose is the first to enter the ring and he jump to Harper when Harper walk to ring. Ambrose then introduce the weapons, chair and kendo stick to the match. He attacked Harper with that kendo stick, sitting in the chair and teased to suplex Harper to chair but Harper reversed it and suplex Ambrose instead. Harper turned the domination. Ambrose got the pin after he did several counter started with body slam to the chair, but Harper could broke it. The fight continued at the back stage with various object involve. Harper jumped to the car followed by Ambrose and the car left the arena.....(to be continue)

Dolph Ziggler VS Sheamus
Stipulation for this match is Kiss Me Arse match, with the loser must kiss winner arse (why not just using ass? because that not PG :D). The feud start after Sheamus comeback and mess with Intercontinental Championship in RAW. Sheamus started with disrespect Ziggler dan Ziggler answered with furious punch. The brawl continued outside the ring with Sheamus got DDT by Ziggler. Sheamus quickly took the lead when the match back in the ring, he did Powerbomb but couldn't bring Ziggler down. Ziggler gave a fight back but could flatten by Sheamus hammer. Sheamus took Ziggler with Cloverleaf but Ziggler counter it and hit a Super Kick, he got the pin but only got two count this time. Sheamus got his momentum again and tried to bring down Ziggler. He did big moves to tear his opponent, but Ziggler could steal a pin with Small Package and got his three count. As match end the loser must kiss winner arse, but Sheamus refused it and tried to left the ring, the referee stopped him. Ziggler teased him to kiss his arse, Sheamus still refused it. Sheamus Lowbow Ziggler when he kneel behind him, did a Brouge Kick and forced Ziggler to kiss his arse.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) (with Xavier Woods) VS Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (c) (with Natalya) [WWE Tag Team Championship]

The New Day now is heel stable, i don't when or why they change it maybe because the audience doesn't like them :D. The match start between Kofi and Kidd, Both superstar used their speed to overcome their opponent, Kofi was troubled and bring Big E to the ring. Kidd also tag to Cesaro to equal the power, and he answer the expectation with slam Big E. New Day got his chance when Kidd enter the ring, both member switch turn to beat him. The defending champion got opportunity when Kidd avoid Big E Body Splash and also made him jumped outside. Tag made to Cesaro and Kofi, and again Cesaro overpower his opponent, Cesaro made a pin but Kofi could broke it. Kidd- Cesaro double team him but still could bring him down. Kofi then made sneak tag and Kidd was brought by Big E. New Day made a double move, Midnight Hour, but Cesaro Broke the pin. Kidd made Sharpshooter but Big E slam Kidd. Cesaro threw Big E and with Kidd made a double team, Woods made intervention when Cesaro pin Kofi. Kofi then did a School Boy to Cesaro from behind to won the match. Good match to be honest.

Winner: The New Day (Big E and Kofi Kingston) (with Xavier Woods) [New Champion]

Dean Ambrose VS Luke Harper (Continue)

The match continued at the segment of New Day interview as new champion with Ambrose jumping from top of the car to the new champion. The brawled continued at the back stage and back to the ring. Both competitor then brought a lot of chair inside the ring, Harper hit Powerbomb to chair but Ambrose broke the count. Harper buried Ambrose with chair moment later and he climb the turnbuckle, Ambrose back to his feet to slam Harper from the corner. Ambrose Dirty Deeds Harper and got the win. I have to say I feel disappoint to this match, both superstar should be able to bring much better match. No extreme moment for no disqualification match is new policy of WWE, i think.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

Rusev (with Lana) VS John Cena (c) [WWE United States Championship]

Russian Chain match will be the stipulation for this match. The only way to win is to lighr a lamp at all corner when tied to the opponent. After the bell rung match started with pull chain between two superstar, Rusev let off the chain and splash Cena. He then light 2 lamps and Cena avoid the three. Cena light three but Rusev pulled the chain and beat him. Rusev threw Cena outside the ring and using chain as a crane to tear Cena. Cena change the position after pulled the chain and cause Rusev to hit the steel post. When Rusev back in control he used chain as a weapon and light three lamps, Cena rolling outside to prevent the fourth. Rusev send Lana back to backstage after she responded with audience chant. Cena do Five Knuckle Shuffle following with AA but Rusev reversed it into Alabama Slam. Rusev tried the Accolade that turn to STF by Cena. Cena on three lamps while Rusev prevent the last. Accolade finally attempted on Cena, Cena tried to overpower it and get up. Cena banging Rusev back to the corner and light 2 lamps for Rusev in process. Resev that realised that latet tried to continue to light all lamps but Cena pulled the chain in fourth lamp and did an AA to Rusev. When they waked up both superstar light the lamp until three. When goes for the fourth, Cena pulled Rusev and again threw an AA. Cena light the last lamp.

Winner: John Cena

Naomi VS Nikki Bella (c) (with Brie Bella) [WWE Divas Championship]

Just regular Divas routine.

Winner: Nikki Bella

Big Show VS Roman Reigns 

Last Man Standing match. Big Show start the match with punch over punch to Reigns. Reigns fight back and threw Show outside. Reigns set up the table but Show destroyed it with his bare hand. Show also broke kendo stick than Reigns brought. Reigns finally beat Show with chair and DDT him too in the chair but Show could get up in 7 count. Just after Reigns bring couple of table into the ring, Show punch him with KO Punch. Reigns back to his feet at eight count. Show tried to Chokeslam Reigns but he counter it and hit Samoan Drop to the table, both wrestler is down. Show then Spear Reigns and Splash him from second rope, Reigns still not fall. After Reigns hit two Superman Punch, Show catch him and Chokeslam him outside through the table. Reins get up in nine count. Moment later Reigns Spear Show through the barricade, both wake up on the eight count. Another Sprear is launch now it destroy Spanish commentary table. Show tried to get up but Reigns threw other commentary table and buried him under it. Reigns got his ten count. Reigns really could deliver good match but he need more move variation and other way beside being bullied for along the match and get win with one move.

Winner: Roman Reigns

Randy Orton VS Seth Rollins (c) [WWE World Heavyweight Championship]

A Cage match with Kane as Gatekeeper. As the match started Rollins tried to climbed the cage but Orton caught him. Orton then beating him and Rollins again tried to escape when he had opportunity. Rollins got his pin after threw Orton in steel cage, but only two count. Rollins continued to punish Orton with bouncing him to steel cage several times. Orton got his momentum after Rollins missed jump and bring him to steel cage. The match continue at the top of cage, end with Orton Power Slam Rollins when he jump from top rope. Rollins near escape the cage moment later, Orton caught him and deliver Superplex from top of the cage. Rollins could broke the pin. Orton got his momentum but RKO is banned so he's using Pedigree, still only two count. Orton missed his Punt Kick and Rollins kick his head. Rollins then order Kane to open the gate and crawled toward the out, Orton caught him at the door. Orton walked to the door and Kane closed it, Orton had a argument with Kane. Rollins tried to sneak attack and hit Kane instead. Kane back and slam the door to both wrestler, Kane enter the ring followed by J&J security. J&J stopped Kane from touching Rollins but got double Choke Slam. Kane Choke Slam Orton, Rollins tried to escape Kane Choke Slam him too. Kane dragged Rollins body over the Orton. The referee count, Orton could move his shoulder. Kane again tried to Tombstone Orton but Orton reverse it to RKO. Rollins sneak and RKO Orton, he then rolled to the door and get his foot touch the ground.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Extreme Rules that doesn't extreme, even in Chicago Street Fight with the Lunatic it's still disappointment. Tag team and last man standing delivered good show for that night. WWE need more development in Divas division and new direction for Rusev after his US champ reign. Actually there's other match schedule for this PPV between Daniel Bryan against Barret for Intercontinental belt but Bryan was injured and  the match change to dark match between Barret and Adrian Neville with Neville as the winner.

Give this PPV 5.5 from 10 point.