Thursday, July 16, 2015


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Took place on June 14, 2015 at the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio. It was the sixth event under the Money in the Bank name. The 7th PPV of WWE this year, can it be a good show?? Let's we find it next.

Neville vs Kofi Kingston vs Randy Orton vs Kane vs Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler (with Lana) vs Roman Reigns [Money in the Bank ladder match]

Not the best MITB match I haven't see. Some of notable moment that happened in the match are Orton got little air time, yeah he RKO here and there but that he only got in the entire match. Kofi and Neville found them self got more involved in the match, even Neville became the last obstacle for the winner. Ziggler did some flashy move but just not enough to heated the match. Reigns about to won the match after his some good move, Powerbomb, flying body to outside, Superman Punch, and Spear, but Wyatt intervention block his won. Kane didn't give extra dimension in the match, he just take little part this time. Sheamus became the winner which make me think what creative heading with his as a briefcase keeper, although he had a decent dominated performance in the night. Overall average match for MITB match this year.

Winner: Sheamus

Nikki Bella (c) vs Paige [WWE Divas Championship]

Decent match but we need other divas to involve with the match.

Winner: Nikki Bella

Big Show vs Ryback (c) [WWE Intercontinental Championship]

Ryback start the match strong. Outside the ring Ryback got a little action with The Miz. Big Show got a counter and Choke Slam Ryback but still can't defeat him. Big Show finally landed WMD to Ryback that made him fell outside the ring. Show tried to pin his opponent but The Miz jumped inside the ring and attacked both wrestler which lead the match end with DQ. This just opening for other feud between the three.

Winner: Big Show [DQ]

Kevin Owens vs John Cena

Best match of the night, so far. Even better than their previous match. Cena, again, came up with new moves Electric Chair Drop and Canadian Destroyer or something like that. It's also good to see Cena frustrated being failed to take down Owens into three count. Owens didn't do much initiative in this match, this was match that Cena Orchestrated. The match shown the reason that Cena is a big superstar in this business and also why Owens is the man who will be equal to Cena. Cena need three AA to bring Owens down. After the match Owens attacked Cena whose shown him a respect with Powerbomb to side ring. Still far from end with them.

Winner: John Cena

The New Day (Big E and Xavier Woods) (c) vs The Prime Time Players (Darren Young and Titus O'Neil) [WWE Tag Team Championship]

A real chance for PTP to become a Tag Team Champion for the first time. New Day came out and did a promo about how rocks they are, Big E mic skill is kinda improving. New Day are dominated most of the match with isolated Young from O'Neil. O'Neil finally got his time and went rampage to clear the ring, he delivered a Spinebuster to Woods and won the match.

Winner: The Prime Time Players [New Champion]

Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins (c) [WWE World Heavyweight Championship]

Neck-to-neck with Cena-Owens as the best of the night. The match started slowly and getting heated when the ladder was introduced. Rollins delivered good performance and as he state, he could did this alone without any help. Ambrose proofed everyone he deserve to stay in the main event, he gave his everything and worked to his bone. There's none flashy or new moves tonight, they're just brawled and used everything available to the victory. The ending was sort of awkward, with both wrestlers hanged on the belt and down together. Rollins who keep the belt came as the winner.

Winner: Seth Rollins

I just got a chance to write this up, for me just average PPV. The main selling point, the traditional Money in The Bank match was a disappointment and they place it as an opening match made it looked like less important regarding the PPV name. Other joke of the night was Intercontinental Championship, I didn't know where's the creative direction when they bringing back Big Show to title shoot, he came out from end of 80's until today so for me his time is over, there's many young wrestle deserve that title shoot more than him. The best, of course Cena-Owens and the main event, the second below the first because the ending.

So, it's 6.5 from 10 to me.

Comment welcome....

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