Sunday, June 14, 2015


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Took place on May 31, 2015, at the American Bank Center in Corpus Christi, Texas. The sixth annual Elimination Chamber event, it comeback this year after they didn't do it last year. The traditional match is come again with two match held on the chamber and for the main event, The Lunatic Fringe challenge The Future of WWE for WWE Belt.

The Prime Time Players VS Los Matadores (with El Torito) VS Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (with Natalya) VS The New Day (c)VS The Ascension VS The Lucha Dragons [WWE Tag Team Championship]

First time they did a tag team match at the chamber and it turn to be sweet decision. Lucha Dragons, especially Kalisto got a good spot here when he jump from the top of chamber. The Ascension maybe will get push again based their performances here, they eliminated two team Los Matadores and The Lucha Dragons. Cesaro again proofed that he deserve better than tag team champions. But the biggest spotlight the night is fall for PTP they finally got push that they need, even though I see Titus seems little bit confused during the match. New Day (Rocks!) retain the title after beaten the last team, PTP, with Kofi's Trouble in Paradise.

Elimination Order:
1. Los Matadores by The Ascension
2. The Lucha Dragons by The Ascension
3. The Ascension by The Prime Time Players
4. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro by The Prime Time Players
5. The Prime Time Players by The New Day

Winner: The New Day

Nikki Bella (c) VS Naomi VS Paige [WWE Divas Championship]

Her, her and her again. Waiting The Boss move to main roster.

Winner: Nikki Bella

Kevin Owens VS John Cena 

High quality match. Both superstar gave their best, especially Owens. He shown what he can do to the fans, the fans who didn't know him before and shown why WWE bring him here. His agility for a big man is that great, his moonsault and senton bomb described it. I thought he will use packed piledriver when he got the set up but he modified to a slam. Cena played a jobber role for the WWE debutant, WWE really give Owens high regard. Cena itself did a good job, new move like tornado DDT and springboard stunner will enrich his match for the future. First win in the first match, you deserved it Owens.

Winner: Kevin Owens

 Bo Dallas VS Neville

Weak feud for this match. The creative just want to (again) introduce Neville to the fans. The crowd also dead in this match. For match between former NXT champion is so-so match. WWE look likes will give a big plan for Neville but for Bo, they still doesn't have a clue.

Winner: Neville

King Barrett VS Dolph Ziggler VS R-Truth VS Mark Henry VS Ryback VS Sheamus [WWE Intercontinental Championship]

Elimination match for a vacant Intercontinental Championship. Henry here substituted Rusev that injured in Smack Down. Barrett and Ziggler start the match, decent match from the two. The pod random light only came 3 times cause there's incident when Barrett tackle Ziggler to Henry's pod that made his pod broke and Henry is free. Ziggler got thrown to the pod second times by Sheamus. Ziggler like usual got a bullied, Barrett just last 1/3 times of the match, Henry and R-Truth just filling the list. I don't like Ryback and after this match still don't like it, but it decent match when he and Sheamus became last man standing in the chamber. Ryback got the win after Shell Shock to Sheamus. After the match, Daniel Bryan came to the ring to deliver the belt himself.

Elimination Order:
1. King Barrett by R-Truth
2. R-Truth by Ryback
3. Mark Henry by Sheamus
4. Dolph Ziggler by Sheamus
5. Sheamus by Ryback

Winner: Ryback [New Champion] 

Dean Ambrose VS Seth Rollins (c) (with Jamie Noble, Joey Mercury and Kane) [WWE World Heavyweight Championship]

Good match, they did what was expected by the fans. Rollins shown that he strong enough without help of his security, still don't know why WWE booking Rollins with J&J. Ambrose improved as a single player but what the hell with his sling to rope clothesline, it's too often to use, if he doesn't fix it the audience will get bored. Both superstar perform many good move some move also new move. Good chemistry between two man made the match very fluid, enjoy to watch. There's incident at end of match which Rollins pulled the referee when Ambrose jumping from corner, made the referee fall out. Ambrose took the advantage and did Dirty Deeds on Rollins, take the cover. Other official came to the ring and count to three. Ambrose winning the match. The first referee woke and made another decision, after discussing between the official they made it a win by DQ for Ambrose. It means Rollins didn't lose his championship. After the announcement the Authority attacked Ambrose, Reigns music played and he saved his buddy. Ambrose and Reigns left the arena with WWE belt in the hand.

Winner: Ambrose

Decent PPV, not that good. Cena-Owens saved the show. The first chamber match is good match and because they place in the opening match it heated the arena. Second chamber was a disappointment, many big name that involved didn't enough to lift the match. This PPV also a few PPV that the Spanish commentary table still at one piece at the end of the show. The kick off match was Stardust defeated Zack Ryder. Other notable thing is the crowd is so silent, it went silent in most of the match including in main event, in Neville match it became a dead crowd didn't hear anything during the match.

Nothing special, 6 out of 10

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