Sunday, April 5, 2015


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The Superbowl of Pro Wrestling is back again this year, took place in Levi's Stadium in Santa Clara, California with 76,976 attendance in the venue and millions all the world (through WWE Network of course). This PPV will gave us, the universe, what will happen in the WWE in this year.

Let's start the review with the 2 kick off match.

Tyson Kidd and Cesaro (C) (with Natalya) vs The New Day (Kofi Kingston and Big E) (with Xavier Woods) vs Los Matadores (Diego and Fernando) (with El Torito) vs The Usos (Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso) (with Naomi)  [Fatal 4-Way tag team match for the WWE Tag Team Championship]

Match started with Cesaro and Kofi. Kofi out speed him and hit with dropkick. Member of Los Matadores then blind tag Cesaro to enter the match. In outside Cesaro assaulted Jay Uso to barricade, it made Jay left to back stage. Match continued with Kofi and Fernando, Los Matadores made the double team move and attack Kofi. Cesaro reverse the blind tag against Los Matadores. Cesaro and Kidd teared down Kofi and hit with swing and dropkick, made a cover but Los Matadores broke the count. Later Jimmy tag with Kofi and cleared ring with super kick, he then made cover on Kidd but broke at 2. Each team made impact to their opponents, Cesaro suplex Big E, Los Matadores double team against Kofi, even Xavier, El Torito, Natalya and Naomi had their chance. There's big move involved Cesaro. Kidd, Big E, Kofi and Los Matadores with double superlex from the corner. Jimmy took the advantage of the collusion and hit frog splash on Big E but, Cesaro steal the cover and win the match. It little confusing because a moment before the referee disallow a cover on Big E by Los Matadores because he isn't the legal man.

Winner: Tyson Kidd and Cesaro

30-man Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Highlight of the match, Axelmania was eliminated by 26 participate, Itami Wrestlemania debut, good match for Cesaro and Ryback, and of course Mizdow betrayed The Miz. There's a lot pops for Mizdow in this match. Big Show win the Battel Royal after Eliminated Mizdow. Maybe this year Mizdow will step up more, got his title picture maybe.

Elimination Order: Curtis Axel, Adam Rose, Fandango, Alex Riley, Zack Ryder, Bo Dallas, Hideo Itami, Diego, Fernando, Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd, Mark Henry, Konnor, Viktor, Darren Young, Heath Slater, Titus O'Neil, Jack Swagger, Big E, Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston, Erick Rowan, Goldust, Kane, Jimmy Uso, Cesaro, Ryback, The Miz, Damien Mizdow.

Winner: Big Show

The main show started with WWE Intercontinental Championship in the ladder match, good booking to heat the crowd.

Daniel Bryan vs Bad News Barrett (C) vs R-Truth vs Dolph Ziggler vs Luke Harper vs Stardust vs Dean Ambrose [WWE Intercontinental Championship]
High pace match from the start. Suicide dives is the first highlight of the match it end when Ambrose jump from the top ladder to all his opponents. Bryan dominated the ring with running drop kick until Harper saved Stardust and Barret from him. Later, each competitor tried to climb the ladder but failed because the other. Stardust than introduce his own ladder, Astro Atmosphere Star Burn, but buried by Barret. Harper than cleared the ring using ladder as the weapon, he became human helicopter with ladder around his neck. R-Truth saved the day and hit Corkscrew scissors kick on Harper. The next big moves is Barret superplex Truth from top of ladder, Harper power bomb Ambrose to ladder outside cause the ladder broken and Ziggler zigzag Harper from the ladder. "Holy Shit" chant is echoed in the arena. Barret made it Bull Hammer City when he taken down 3 opponents with his finisher, he's stopped by Bryan's running knees. Bryan then battle with Ziggler at the ladder and his headbutt made Ziggler down. He claimed the title and became the new champion. Second time in row Bryan left Wrestlemania as champion.

Winner: Daniel Bryan [New Champion]

Seth Rollins (with Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble) vs Randy Orton

Can Orton get revenge on Rollins? After escaped from RKO in early match, Rollins get the upperhand until Orton fight back. J & J security tried to make an intervention but got double DDT from apron by Orton. Rollins did a suicide dive to outside and got his momentum again. Orton changed the tide after Rollins miss his springboard move. Orton hit DDT from second rope and teased RKO taunt but Rollins could counter it. Orton finally got his RKO but Rollins broke the count at two. After that, Orton planned to do punt kick but again J & J security enter the ring and both got RKO by Orton. Rollins seen the opening and hit Curb Stomp but Randy could broke the pin. Rollins tried Phoenix splash but Orton avoided it, Rollins again nailed Curb Stomp and RKO outta nowhere.

Winner: Randy Orton

Sting vs Triple H 

Both wrestle start the match slowly. Sting finally got the tide and Triple H answered with knee smash but Sting didn't affected, Triple H than escaped Scorpion Deadlock. Sting tried stinger splash but Triple H avoided it and Sting hit the barricade. Triple H dominated the match shortly after, he teared up the Sting. Sting could fight back and applied Scorpion Deadlock on Triple H. DX, Billy Gunn, Road Dog and X-pac, made the entered the ring to save Triple H but Sting cleared them all even throw Triple H outside the ring, Sting than made a Stinger splash for the top rope to DX member. Triple H could steal Pedigree on sting but only two count. Triple H then introduced his sledgehammer into the match, nWo music is played. Hogan, Nash and Hall entered and squashed DX member Sting got Scorpion Dead Drop and cover Triple H but Triple H can broke before the three count. Again Sting attempted Scorpion Deadlock, nWo and DX member brawled outside the ring, other DX original member came to the ring and hit Sweet Chin Music on Sting. Triple H made the cover but Sting could escaped. DX gave Sledgehammer to Triple H and tried to crushed him but Hall also gave Sting his Baseball bat. Sting Bat moved faster than Triple H even the Bat split Triple H Hammer into two (how that possible??), Sting attacked Triple H, did a Stinger splash and planned to did twice, Sting jumped and Triple H counter with the Hammer. He made the cover, it's end with three count. Sting lost his first WWE match, maybe it's Vince ego :D.

Winner: Triple H

AJ Lee and Paige vs The Bella Twins (Brie Bella and Nikki Bella)

Winner: AJ Lee and Paige

Rusev (c) (with Lana) vs John Cena [WWE United States Championship]

Cena took the first initiative but it's Rusev who got a first wave. Rusev waved Russian flag after flatten out Cena. Cena countered Rusev attack and hit Five Knuckle Shuffle, he then tried to do Attitude Adjustment but Rusev could escape. Cena tried the STF but Rusev countered it with Swinging side slam. Cena could steal Diving leg drop and did the cover but only two, Rusev again attack Cena with his Jumping Side Kick and Cena answered with Tornado DDT from top rope. Rusev got Alabama Slam and got the pin but Cena could break the pin. Cena counter Rusev with STF and Rusev survived by grap the rope. Rusev did Fallaway slam and continued with Diving Headbutt from top rope did the cover but only to count. Rusev tried The Accolade but Cena reverse it and countered with springboard stunner (new move, huh). The Accolade finally was applied on Cena, but with his super human power he over power Rusev and counter with STF. Lana tried to enter the ring but stopped by the referee, Cena came over to Lana Rusev saw the opportunities and tried to sneak attack Cena but hit Lana instead. Cena got the AA and took the pin.

Winner: John Cena [New Champion]

Bray Wyatt vs The Undertaker

Wyatt charge Undertaker but got his boot. Undertaker dominated Wyatt with his move strike in the corner, old school and leg drop in the apron. Wyatt got his chance after steal running body block to Undertaker. Undertaker got Hell's Gate but Wyatt could broke the submission. Wyatt then slam Taker and applied running senton to him, cover him but only got two. Sister Abigail was tried by Wyatt but Taker countered it and did a Choke Slam following with Tombstone Piledriver Wyatt could survived it. Taker tease for another Tombstone and Wyatt reversed it into Sister Abigail, take the cover and still couldn't taken down The Phenom. Wyatt did his usual spider walk to Taker, Taker did his wake up taunt to scared Wyatt. Two wrestle brawled in center of the ring, Wyatt mocked Taker with his cut throat taunt after he beat him. Wyatt again tried to Sister Abigail for second times but was countered with Tombstone Piledriver. Undertaker did his Rest In Peace Pin and got the win. Undertaker looks old and tired after the match.

The Undertaker

Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar (c) (with Paul Heyman) [WWE World Heavyweight Championship]

Lesnar really dominated Reigns, got his first F5 under 1 minutes from the match and got 2 more through the match plus 10 times suplex. SUPLEX CITY BITCH. Still couldn't bring Reigns down, he is superman in making. Reigns sometimes got his chances during the match made Lesnar scratched and bleeding from his mouth. After incident outside the ring, Lesnar was burst up and Reigns got his momentum he launched 3 Superman punches and 2 Spear but still didn't bring Lesnar fall. When Reigns tried again his superman punch, Lesnar catch him and deliver another F5. Both wrestle laid on the ground, Rollins music played.

Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar (c) (with Paul Heyman) vs Seth Rollins [WWE World Heavyweight Championship]

Rollins cashed his Money in The Bank briefcase and made the match became triple threat match. He quickly Curb Stomp Lesnar and tried to do more but Lesnar catch him and put him in F5 position. Reigns enter the ring and spear Lesnar, Rollins took his opportunities and Curb Stomp Reigns take the pin and the referee completed his 3 count. That briefcase again do his magic.

Winner : Seth Rollins [New Champion]

Good Wrestlemania after two disappointing PPV before this. There's 3 new champions crowned in this event, i predict Bryan and Rollins will be headline while they defend the title. Another superstar that will come up this year depend on this PPV is Mizdow and Cesaro and of course Reigns.

I give score for this PPV 8/10, WWE need more PPV like this in the future.